Resume - Javier Rodríguez

Mathematics Degree Student

Javier Rodríguez Martínez

I am currently in the final year of my Mathematics Degree at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), with a profound interest in neuroscience, finance, biology, and data science. My passion for neuroscience began in high school, and I chose to approach it through mathematics, which led me to join the Brain Circuits Behavior Lab as an internship student. Regarding finance, my academic background, combined with lifelong exposure to financial markets through family influences, has driven me to pursue self-directed learning. This includes studying seminal works like Harry Markowitz’s Portfolio Selection and actively managing a personal investment portfolio. In addition to my academic pursuits, I enjoy working on personal projects and learning independently. In my free time, I find joy in DJing, surfing, and playing the guitar.


  • Internship

    Brain Circuits and Behavior Lab (IDIBAPS)

    Jul 2024 - Present

    Internship conducting experiments with mice using an automated behavioral system (Training Village) to study the effects of anti-NMDAR encephalitis on working memory. Current tasks include statistical analysis with Generalized Linear Models (GLMs) and future work involves dynamic systems modeling for advanced data interpretation. This internship is aligned with my final degree project (TFG) in mathematics.

  • Participant at the program. LYISF is a two-week science program held at Imperial College of London and the Royal Geographical Society with participants from over 70 countries. I attended lectures on a variety of science topics and visited research centres such as the Oxford Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences.

  • Summer Course (An introduction to image processing)

    Institut de Ciències Fótoniques (ICFO)

    Jul 2021

    A two week course on image compression algorithms in Matlab and information theory held at ICFO in the Theoretical Quantum Nano-Photonics Group.


  • Degree in Mathematics

    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)

    Sep 2021 - Present

  • Summer Course (Applied Machine Learning to Solve Real-Life Problems)

    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (MESIO UPC-UB Summer School)

    July 2023

    Conducted by a lead data scientist at N26. The course focused on financial problems, such as credit risk, fraud detection and default rate prediction. A kaggle competition centered on predicting default rates of businesses was held at the course, where I achieved the winning position.

  • Youth and Science

    Fundació Catalunya La Pedrera

    Jun 2019 - Sep 2022

    Selected to participate at the programme Youth and Science, managed by Fundació Catalunya La Pedrera. A three-year programme to encourage scientific vocations of fifty talented young people with a drive to research. Funded to participate in LIYSF and the ICFO summer course (An introduction to image processing).

Other things I have done

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